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Color Therapy
An oracle deck inspired by the language I use during sessions. Color tells me where a soul is vibing physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Color also creates an energetic pathway for us to move towards our wants and needs.
by wearing color(s)
by eating color(s) - natural foods
color visualization/color breathing
How to align with color:
This guide includes color symbolism as well as affirmations inspired by color.
I felt it would be fun to incorporate the affirmations. I feel it gives an extra boost in the direction to better serve you.
I encourage you to align with each color you draw from Color Therapy and to repeat each affirmation as needed.
Each card includes validation as well as encouragement. My wish is for you to trust what message resonates with you in an empowering way.
"Magic speaks
through color."
Validates major change - a move, a career change, a new relationship, a new lifestyle.
Embrace a new beginning. Align with the color white and say, "I welcome unlimited positive change into my atmosphere."
Validates an energetic reset. The process of creating a clean slate requires letting go of what was.
This process is different for everyone. It may feel like a desire to step forward. It may show up as sudden clarity, knowing everything has to be different.
Release what was in order to make space for the newness coming in. Encourage purification by aligning with the color white and saying, "I release all limiting emotions + beliefs that are preventing me from embracing beautiful change."
As a goddess, Iris is associated with the rainbow.
Iris aura validates a rainbow aura, which validates total balance. This may be experienced when a chapter has come to an end.
Enjoy the rainbow. Say, "I am so grateful for the end of this chapter. I am grateful for experience."
Validates shapeshifter adaptability.
You are flexible and go with the flow.
Align with all the colors to support you through your experiences at this time.
Welcome chameleon energy in by saying,
"I welcome the benefits of shapeshifting into my energy field more + more every day. I align with adaptability."
Validates it is time to celebrate yourself!
Celebrate how far you have come in your life.
Celebrate what YOU are most proud of about yourself.
Take a moment to honor yourself by saying,
"I am so proud of you."
Validates free spirited energy.
You may benefit by detaching at this time.
Loosen up + let go. You are being encouraged to align with fuchsia and say,
"I welcome freedom into my aura. I feel freedom in my body, in my mind, in my heart, in my soul. I am free."
Validates playful energy.
Align with fuchsia and playful energy by saying,
"I welcome playfulness into my energy field. I feel light and silly. I have fun more and more every day."
Your essence is inspirational.
The way you express yourself, the way you talk, the way you live.
You influence others by simply being yourself.
Muse energy may benefit you at this time.
Align with fuchsia and say,
"I welcome muse energy into my aura. I inspire myself more and more every day. I lead by being myself."
Validates a charismatic characteristic. You are charming. You connect with others in a very special way.
You may benefit by turning the charm on at this time. Align with fuchsia and say, " I welcome the essence of charisma into my energy field. I express my charming self effortlessly."
Validates lively energy.
You are exciting and appreciated for your high energy.
You are being encouraged to align with excitement at this time!
Align with fuchsia and say,
"I welcome lively and exciting energy into my aura more and more every day."
Validates inner and outer beauty.
You love to feel beautiful. You love to surround yourself with beautiful things and people.
You are being encouraged to put yourself in a beauty bubble at this time. Beautify yourself and your world to your standards. Spend time with beautiful feelings, things, and people. Kindly excuse yourself from what doesn't feel beautiful to you. Align with fuchsia and say,"I welcome beauty into my energy field. I see the beauty within me. I see the beauty in the world."
Validates loving energy.
You are full of love for yourself and others.
You deserve so much love! Align with pink and say,
"I welcome love for myself. I can feel the love I have for myself more, and more every day. When I love myself more, I attract love from others like a magnet. The more I love myself, the more I feel love for others."
Validates nurturing energy. You nurture yourself. You are nurturing towards others.
You are being encouraged to take care of yourself and allow others to take care of you.
Welcome nurturing energy in by saying,
"I take care of myself and allow others to take care of me. I welcome nurturing energy into my atmosphere."
Validates grateful energy. You are always appreciative.
You do not take anyone or anything for granted.
A grateful approach is being encouraged at this time.
Align with pink and say,"I welcome gratitude into my energy field. I am aware how fortunate I really am. I am grateful for more and more every day."
Validates sensitivity.
You may have a sensitive soul. You may feel extra sensitive at this time. You may be sensitive towards others.
A sensitive approach is encouraged. Align with pink
and say, "I welcome sensitivity into my energy field. I allow myself to feel sensitive when needed. I am sensitive towards others when necessary."
Validates supportive energy.
You are supportive towards yourself and others.
You could use support in your life at this time. You may also benefit by being supportive towards yourself and/or others. Align with pink and say, "I support myself and others. I welcome all the support into my atmosphere.
I feel supported more and more every day."
Validates innocent energy. You see life through a child like lens. You connect with your inner child effortlessly.
You are being encouraged to allow your inner child to take the lead a little at this time.
Align with lavender and say, " I welcome my inner child to come out and guide me towards myself. I am connected with my inner child. I listen to my inner child."
Validates dreamy energy.
You allow yourself to dream big.
Allow yourself to connect with your dreams. Align with lavender and say, "I invite dreamy energy into my aura. I allow myself to dream big. I feel anything is possible more and more every day."
Validates inspirational energy.
You are naturally inspired and inspiring.
Invite all the inspiration in. Align with violet and say," I welcome inspiring energy into my atmosphere. I feel inspired more and more every day."
Validates magic in the air.
You believe in magic.
You connect with universal magic.
Invite all the magic in. Align with violet and say,
"I welcome magic into my energy field. I see magic all around. I feel magic within."
Validates emotional intelligence.
You feel safe to feel. You process emotions beautifully.
You are being encouraged to allow yourself to feel it all. Align with violet and say, "I welcome helpful emotions to come to the surface and to move along freely. I welcome empowering emotions into my energy field. I welcome uplifting emotions into my energy field. The flow of my emotions always moves me towards beautiful outcomes. My emotions always serve me."
You have faith in the unknown. You inspire a hopeful belief system.
Be mindful of your beliefs at this time. What do you believe to be true? Your beliefs create your reality. It is time to clear out the out dated belief systems and create space for new ones. Align with violet and say, "I welcome faith and hope into my atmosphere now. I believe the universe always works in my favor. I believe anything is possible."
You keep your soul inspired by taking time to do the things you love to do. Continue to do this as often as possible to keep your spirit alive and vibrant. If you enjoy it, it's your soul food.
Take more time doing what you love. Your soul needs time to enjoy life. What feeds your soul? Align with violet and say,
"I am aware of what feeds my soul more and more every day. I attract what inspires my soul effortlessly. It is easy to make time to feed my soul. I feel light and free when I take the time to feed my soul."
Validates intuition. You are intuitive.
What have you been feeling? It may feel like a nudge, or a repeating thought. Develop your intuition. Align with violet and say, "I allow my intuition to expand at this time. I always connect with the most empowering and inspiring messages effortlessly. My intuition always serves the highest and greatest good. I am always divinely guided by my intuition."
Validates a spiritual awakening.
You have grown tremendously. You are continuing to grow. You are not afraid to follow your own path.
You may benefit by inviting spiritual support in at this time. It may show up as heightened intuition, a spirit guide, a spirit animal, dreams, or a teacher. Invite the support in that best serves you.
Align with indigo and say, "I welcome spiritually supportive people, places, things into my energy field now. I always feel supported. I attract more and more support every day. I am spiritually growing. I can see my growth."
You are self aware. You are aware of the energy around you. Awareness is your superpower.
You are encouraged to pay extra attention to how people, things, and situations make you feel at this time. No need to label it, just allow your awareness to connect with you.
Align with indigo and say, "I welcome empowering and inspiring awareness into my energy field. I observe without attachment. Through awareness, I am learning about myself more and more every day. Awareness always guides me towards more peace, joy, and abundance."
Validates a spiritually wise soul.
You are wise beyond your years. You have lived many lifetimes and carry the experience with you. Wisdom is your superpower.
You are being encouraged to trust the wisdom you carry. Align with indigo and say, "I am connected to the wisdom within. The wisdom I access is valuable. I always trust myself."
Validates timing aligning in your favor.
Your prayers and intentions have been heard.
You trust timing.
You are being encouraged to trust the timing. Align with blue and say, "My prayers and intentions have been heard. Timing always serves the highest and greatest outcomes for me. I trust the timing."
Validates a student/teacher. You have been a great listener and observer. You have learned valuable information in this lifetime. That information has turned into knowledge for you to share. Your student experience has turned you into a teacher.
You are being encouraged to honor and trust the
knowledge you have. It is beneficial to you and others. Align with blue and say, "I honor and trust the knowledge I have. I am a natural teacher. I always allow myself to share when I feel inspired to do so."
Validates an expressive characteristic. You have a voice without having to speak. You express yourself through art, music, fashion. You inspire others to find their voice and to express themselves.
You are being encouraged to express who you are. Align
with blue and say, "I know who I am. I welcome expressive energy into my atmosphere. I express myself effortlessly. I feel liberated when I express myself."
Validates vocal authenticity. You know your truth and you speak it.
You are being encouraged to dig deeper by spending time getting to know yourself a little more at this time. What are your values? What do you stand for? What are you passionate about? You have something to say, it is time to say all of it. Align with blue and say, "I allow my truth to come to the surface. I know my truth. I always speak my truth. I live my truth."
Validates music medicine. You may be a musician, you
may like music, love music, or feel music within your soul.
Music is your medicine.
You are being encouraged to connect with sound at this time.
Sound will heal, restore, and bring you back in alignment
with yourself. Align with blue and say, "I welcome the connection to music into my energy field now. I feel music."
You listen to your body. You are connected to your power through breath. You know how to stay aligned with yourself. You may support others when they feel overwhelmed.
You are being encouraged to slow down at this time.
Take a deep breath. Feel your breath move into your core. As you exhale say, "All is well." Repeat as needed.
Validates peaceful energy, a peaceful outcome.
You deserve to feel peace. Align with blue and say,
"I welcome peace into my energy field. I always align with peaceful outcomes."
Validates authenticity.
Being you is your superpower.
You may inspire others to feel and live authentically.
Who are you?
You are being encouraged to get to know yourself.
Have you been hiding any parts of yourself? You need your authenticity at this time. Align with aqua and say, "I know myself. I feel myself. I see myself. I feel safe to be myself more and more every day. I value myself for exactly who I am. I am valued for living true to myself."
Validates accepting energy. You accept all of yourself. You accept others wholeheartedly. You accept the past as it is. You accept things as they are.
You are being encouraged to accept yourself, others, and situations as they are. Acceptance will set you free at this time. Align with aqua and say, "I accept myself as I am, I accept others as they are, I accept my past, I accept my
present, I accept everything for exactly what it was and what it is. I feel free."
Validates you have connected with some of your
soul family. You connect with people in meaningful ways. Connecting with others and connecting others is your superpower.
You are being encouraged to keep an open heart at this time. Work with aqua and say, "I am a magnet for my soul family. People love, appreciate, and understand me.
My soul family is drawn to me effortlessly."
Validates you live from your heart truth and speak from a place of love. You are valued for your kind words.
You are being encouraged to tap into your heart truth. Align with aqua and say, "I am aligned with my heart truth. I feel connected deeply with my heart. I speak from my heart."
Validates a compassionate energy. You are compassionate towards yourself and others. You feel the emotions of others so they never feel alone.
You are being encouraged to align with compassion.
Align with aqua and say, "I welcome compassion into my atmosphere. I am compassionate towards myself and others. I attract compassionate people and situations into my life."
Represents mindful intentions. You have beautiful intentions for yourself and others.
You are being encouraged to align with aqua and say, "I am always aware of my intentions. I have beautiful intentions for myself. I have beautiful intentions for others. I attract people with loving intentions into my life."
Validates a relatable characteristic. You relate to others. You are genuine when connecting with people.
You are being encouraged to find a common ground with the people around you. Your soul craves connection. Align with aqua and say, "I am relatable. I have at least one thing in common with everyone. I understand. I am understood."
Validates you have a strong and loving heart.
You live with an open heart.
You are being encouraged to let your guard down at this time. Align with green and say, "My heart is full.
My heart is balanced. My heart is open. I welcome
loving experiences into my life more and more every day."
Represents a healer characteristic. You attract people who could use healing in their life. You may be in the medical field or offer healing services. Healing yourself and others is your superpower.
You are being encouraged to connect with your inner healer at this time. Align with green and say,
"I am a healer. I am healing myself. I have healed myself. I heal others by healing myself."
Validates forgiving energy.
Have you forgiven recently? Yourself? Others?
A situation?
You are being encouraged to forgive at this time.
Align with green and say, "I forgive myself, I forgive others, I forgive situations. I let go of what no longer serves me."
Represents a love and connection with nature.
You appreciate forests, deserts, and the ocean. You love plants and animals. Earth is your medicine.
You are being encouraged to spend time in nature. Allow yourself to feel present and aligned.
Sit outside and say, "I welcome nature's frequency into my aura, I am present and aligned."
Take a deep breath, and repeat as needed.
Represents a healed/healing heart.
Your heart is strong. Your heart feels supported.
You are being encouraged to focus on healing your heart. Align with green and say, "I welcome heart healing into my aura. I let go of everything and anything that makes me feel like a victim. I can feel my heart becoming stronger. My heart is strong."
Represents an outcome.
Your devotion has been acknowledged. You have aligned with money, gifts, achievements.
You deserve rewards.
You are being encouraged to align with lime and say, "I welcome rewards into my life. I am always rewarded for doing the things that bring me joy."
Represents alignment.
You are aligned with manifesting momentum.
You are being encouraged to allow a new reality for yourself into your life. Design and align. Who are you? Who do you want to be? What do you need? What do you want? Anchor it by writing it down. Align with lime and say,
"I welcome the life I want and need into my life. I effortlessly become a magnet for my goals with every breath I take."
Represents an outcome.
You have aligned with success.
You are being encouraged to welcome success into your life. Align with lime and say,
"I welcome success into my atmosphere. I succeed with ease. I am successful."
Validates empowering energy.
You inspire others to be strong, successful, and confident. Empowerment is your superpower.
You are being encouraged to focus on empowering yourself. Align with lime and say,
"I welcome empowering energy into my atmosphere.
I am strong, successful, and confident. I am empowered."
Represents renewal.
You take time to rest and recharge when needed.
You may support others in their reset phase.
You are being encouraged to power yourself back up. Open yourself up to fresh perspectives.
Align with yellow and say, "I welcome renewal into my atmosphere. I welcome new beneficial point of views. I am renewed."
Validates a logical characteristic.
You process information and make decisions based off facts and patterns. Logic is your superpower.
You are being encouraged to trust logic at this time.
Align with yellow and say, "I welcome logic into my atmosphere. Logic is providing crystal clear clarity. I trust what I see. Logic serves me."
Represents transparency.
You see things with crystal clear clarity. You may help others gain clarity for themselves as well. Clarity is your superpower.
You are being encouraged to invite clarity into your life. Align with yellow and say, "I welcome transparency into my energy field. I effortlessly make decisions. Life is becoming simpler every day. I see with crystal clear clarity."
Validates joy.
Represents a joyful outcome.
You deserve to feel happy! Align with yellow and say,
"I welcome happiness into my energy field. I welcome happy people and situations into my life. I align with joy effortlessly more and more every day."
Validates a solution based characteristic.
Being solution oriented is your superpower.
You are being encouraged to allow resolution.
Align with yellow and say, "I welcome solutions into my energy field. I align with solution-oriented feeling and thinking more and more every day. Solutions come to me effortlessly."
Represents fearless energy.
You inspire others to live with courage.
You are being encouraged to let go of fear.
Align with yellow and say, "I let go of fear that is holding me back from the life I desire. I let go of fear based emotions and thoughts that are not serving me. I welcome courage into my energy field. I feel myself becoming courageous more and more every day."
Represents a sense of humor.
You can find the humor in everything. You love to laugh and may make others laugh.
Humor is your superpower.
You are being encouraged to lighten up. See the humor in it all. Align with yellow orange and say, "I welcome humor into my atmosphere. I laugh more and more every day. I can see the humor in everything. I feel light and free in my body."
Validates abundant alignment.
Represents an abundant outcome.
You are being encouraged to welcome
abundance into your life. Align with gold and say, "I welcome physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and, financial abundance into my energy field now.
I always align with the abundant outcomes."
Represents a "full of life" characteristic.
You see life as an adventure.
You are being encouraged to ignite your passion for life.
Align with orange and say, "I welcome a lust for life into my energy field. Life is an adventure that I get to experience. I feel alive. I am grateful to be alive."
Represents a curious characteristic.
You lead with curiosity. You enjoy exploring.
You are being encouraged to allow yourself to feel curious at this time. Align with orange and say, "I welcome the energy of curiosity into my energy field. There is always something to learn. There is always something new to experience just around the corner."
Represents a progressive mind.
You love to learn and continue to do so by keeping an open mind.
You are being encouraged to learn at this time.
You will benefit from enrolling in school, programs, or workshops. Align with orange and say, "I allow my mind to open to new levels of learning at this time. I allow myself to grow. I am enjoying the process of evolving through learning."
Validates optimistic energy. You make the best of every situation, and see the best in every situation.
You are being encouraged to feel hopeful.
Align with orange and say, "I welcome optimism into my energy field. I see the best in every person and situation more and more every day."
Represents risk taking energy.
You are spontaneous. You enjoy life's many experiences. You enjoy stepping out of your comfort zone.
You are being encouraged to say yes more often. Align with orange and say, "I welcome exciting energy into my aura. I enjoy stepping out of my comfort zone. I say yes to new opportunities and experiences more often."
Represents explorer energy.
You love to travel. You love to experience new places and cultures.
You are being encouraged to travel at this time. Align with orange and say, "I welcome explorer energy into my energy field. I welcome the desire to travel and to experience new places into my aura. I am excited to travel more and more every day."
Represents a social, and outgoing characteristic.
You love to connect with people and people love to connect with you.
You are being encouraged to create new friendships, work relationships, opportunities for yourself. Align with orange and say, "I welcome outgoing energy into my aura. I am effortlessly social. I attract the right people, situations, and opportunities into my life more and more every day."
Represents thick skin. You shake intensity and stress off effortlessly. You keep it light and keep it moving.
You are being encouraged to dance. To release energy, get your body moving. Align with orange and say, "I welcome the desire for movement into my energy field. I am always inspired to get moving if I ever feel tension. I shake off what does not serve me by moving my body. I feel freedom in my energy field when I dance. I feel lighter."
Validates creativity. You are creative in the arts.
You have clever ideas. You think outside of the box.
Creativity is your superpower.
You are being encouraged to connect with creativity at this time. Align with orange and say, "I welcome creativity into my energy field. I am creative in the way I express myself, communicate, and think. I am effortlessly creative."
Validates ancestral healing. You have been focusing on healing yourself and releasing old ancestral patterns. You are setting yourself free to create new blueprints for yourself as well as future generations. Your ancestors are experiencing the growth and the love with you.
You are being encouraged to allow the funky family patterns to come to the surface at this time. Allow yourself to become aware of what needs to be addressed. Align with orange and say, "I welcome the most beneficial ancestral healing into my energy field. I welcome all of the divine support. I invite my ancestors to take ownership at this time. I encourage my ancestors to let go by surrendering. My ancestors welcome total self love and acceptance into their energy field right now. As my ancestors heal, I heal and grow stronger. As I enjoy my life more and more every day, my ancestors feel lighter, stronger, and happier with me."
Represents a passionate, energetic characteristic.
You have high energy and keep it moving towards
your goals. You may motivate others.
You are being encouraged to invite passion and energy into your life at this time. Align with red and say, "I welcome passion into my energy field. I feel energized more and more every day."
Validates timing.
You have an understanding for the present
being beneficial. You do not take time for granted.
Now is the time! Align with red and say,
"I welcome motivation and ambition into my energy field. I am motivated by the present time."
Validates you take care of yourself first.
You understand you cannot give from an empty cup.
You are being encouraged to prioritize yourself. Putting yourself first is so important. It gives you the energy to devote yourself to a purpose or to take care of others while not burning out or resenting others. Instead, you will feel happy.
Align with red and say, "I put myself first. I understand that taking care of myself first makes me stronger and more helpful to others. It is easy to prioritize myself. There is always enough time to take care of myself."
Validates you are taking action towards your wants, needs, and goals.
You are being encouraged to take action towards the wants, needs, and goals that bring you joy. Align with red and say, "I welcome the desire to take action into my energy field. I am filled with inspiration. I am filled with energy. I am focused. I am taking action with ease towards my desires simply because it's fun."
Validates confidence.
You feel good about yourself.
You feel good about life.
You are being encouraged to feel confident at this time. Align with red and say, "I welcome confidence into my energy field. I feel secure with myself more and more every day. I feel good about life and how I move through life. "
Validates trusting energy.
You trust yourself. You trust others.
You deserve to feel the peace and safety by trusting. Align with red and say, "I welcome trust into my energy field. It feels good to trust myself more and more every day. It feels liberating to trust others. I feel good when I trust. I trust the universe always has my back."
Validates strong boundaries.
You are amazing at saying no when it's necessary.
You effortlessly stay focused on what works for you and avoid what does not.
You are being encouraged to establish boundaries at this time. You are being asked to pay attention to your time and energy.
It's okay to say no. Align with red and say, "I an aware of how things make me feel. My time and energy are valuable. I welcome healthy boundary energy into my energy field. I say no to myself when necessary. I say no to others when it's necessary. I feel at peace more and more every day."
Validates leadership.
You are a natural leader.
You are being encouraged to step into a leadership role. Align with burgundy and say, "I welcome leadership abilities into my energy field. I can see where I am courageous and knowledgeable. I am a confident leader."
Represents warrior energy. You are strong.
You are strong because of your life experiences.
You know how to shift from surviving to thriving.
You are being encouraged to toughen up at this time. Now is the time to pull in all of your strength. Align with burgundy and say, "I welcome divine strength into my energy field. I am becoming stronger every day. I am strong enough to find my way out of any situation. I have shifted from surviving to thriving."
Symbolizes strong connection with ancestors. You are aware of your link with your ancestors. You may feel them around often.
You are being encouraged to connect with your ancestors at this time.
Allow their support to assist you through any and every experience.
Align with burgundy and say, "I welcome my ancestors into my energy field.
My ancestors support me. My ancestors are surrounding me with love.
My ancestors are providing me with strength.
My ancestors are always protecting me."
Validates a resourceful characteristic.
You are clever at utilizing everything and anything life throws your way. Utilization is your superpower.
You are being encouraged to become resourceful at this time. Notice the struggles and the obstacles you have right now.
Align with burgundy and say, "I am aware of the struggles and the obstacles in my life at this time. I am now turning them into strength, focus, and consistency. I can now see with crystal clear clarity what I DO want because I know what I don't want. I utilize any obstacle that may come my way by turning it into a solution.
I am getting better and better at using all types of energy to maintain focus towards what brings me joy. "
Represents chill earthy vibes. You are down to earth.
You are cool, calm, and collected most of the time.
You may feel a deep connection with earth.
You are being encouraged to ground your energy.
Spend some time outside and barefoot in the grass.
Spend some time under a tree.
Align with brown and say, "I welcome earth's energy into my aura. I feel deeply grounded in earth. I feel connected and aligned with earth."
Validates goal setting. You plan for the future.
You may have set new goals for yourself recently.
You are being encouraged to plant seeds for your future. How can you use your time today to benefit your future? Do you know what type of seeds you would like to plant? What do you want? What do you need? Take some time to get in touch with your wants and needs in order to thrive. Align with brown and say, "I now see what I want and need. I always attract what I want and need. I always know what to do and what direction to go in order to succeed in this life. I effortlessly plant seeds of abundance."
Validates a new foundation. You have experienced an uprooting at some point. You may have made improvements. You have built a strong, stable, and consistent foundation for yourself.
You are being encouraged to develop a new foundation. What has been working for you may not be enough at this time. You may now have become aware that it never was working for you. Align with brown and say, "I welcome the energy of stability into my atmosphere. I welcome improvements to my finances, my relationships, my home, and my health. I welcome the support I need in order to build a strong foundation for myself. I always attract strong and solid support. I attract people and situations that last a lifetime."
Validates purpose. You feel connected to yourself, which has set you in a blissful direction.
You are being encouraged to align with your unique purpose and to experience all of it.
Align with brown and say, "I welcome my divine purpose into my energy field. I welcome meaning into my aura. I feel deeply connected with myself. I have clarity and direction. I live with a beautiful purpose."
Validates safety. You feel safe.
Your existence inspires others to experience safety.
People feel at ease around you.
You deserve to feel safe. Align with brown and say, "I welcome the feeling of safety into my energy field. I feel a sense of peace in my body, my feelings, my mind, my heart, and my soul. I feel protected every day. I align with people and situations that bring more feelings of safety into my life every day."
Represents mysterious energy.
You are a mystery to others. You enjoy mysterious things in life. You are unbothered.
You are being encouraged to enjoy the mystery at this time. Align with black and say, "I welcome obscurity into my energy field. I allow myself to be secretive when needed. I allow myself to hide when desired. I appreciate all of life's beautiful mysteries."
Represents a connection and/or awareness for the shadow self. You may understand shadow selves. You may have or are currently healing your shadow self by honoring it. You may help others with their shadow self.
You are being encouraged to connect with your shadow self. Acknowledge and accept all aspects of yourself. Align with black and say, "I welcome divine clarity by seeing my shadow self. I welcome divine love into my energy field. I gently and lovingly acknowledge shame I carry regarding myself. I am aware and I accept it all. I love all aspects of myself. My shadow feels acknowledged, heard, and loved."
Represents the end of a chapter, the end of a cycle.
You may be experiencing grief or sadness at this time.
You may be excited for this end.
Everyone experiences the end differently.
Allow closure for yourself. Allow a rebirth. Align with black and say, "I accept completion. I grieve when necessary. I welcome a rebirth into my life now. I am aligning with a powerful rebirth. I can feel a fresh start aligning with me more and more every day."
Represents neutral energy.
You can see many perspectives.
You are neutral.
Stay neutral.
Align with gray and say, "I welcome neutral energy into my aura. I maintain detachment at this time. I am neutral."
Represents a star quality.
You carry light and inspire others during dark times.
You help others to reconnect with their light.
You are being encouraged to illuminate.
Align with silver and say, "I welcome starry light into my energy field. I invite my light to shine. I
inspire others to reconnect with the light by simply being myself. I honor my ability to sparkle."
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