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Deck of Color

An oracle deck based on my personal language with spirit during clairvoyant sessions.
It is inspired by auras, chakras, and the colors I am shown, that are between chakras.
Not only do the cards provide guidance or validation, but they also suggest a color or colors one should incorporate into their life to help manifest wants and needs.
Each color holds its own energy, so by wearing,
eating, or visualizing the color(s) suggested, you are allowing your aura to shift in the direction wanted/needed.

Deck of color design was inspired
by a fairy spirit guide.

Card Breakdown

Represents a healer, inspirational energy/characteristic.
Encourages and validates a new beginning.
Symbolizes there being change(s) in the air.
This may metaphorically represent a blank canvas.
Seen between crown chakra + soul star chakra
Or as a white haze in the aura.

Represents a healer, inspirational energy/characteristic.
Symbolizes a soul purification that has taken place or encouraged. Validates a shift, a spiritual awakening, or a step into aligning with your unique abilities and/or soul purpose.
Seen between crown chakra + soul star chakra
Or as a white haze in the aura.

Represents an innocent energy/characteristic.
Encourages you to get back in touch with your child-like imagination/perspective.
Reflect on what you wanted to be when you grew up, your dreams and inspiration, and how you viewed the world and people from an innocent mind.
Above Crown Chakra

Represents an innocent, feminine energy/characteristic.
Encourages you to channel your feminine energy.
Symbolizes patience, nurturing, gentleness,
and sweetness.
Above Crown Chakra

Represents a psychic, intuitive, inspirational energy/characteristic.
Encourages you to trust your intuition.
Third Eye Chakra +
Crown Chakra

Represents a psychic, intuitive, inspirational energy/characteristic.
Encourages you to let it all out.
Process your thoughts - you are healing to evolve.
Third Eye Chakra + Crown Chakra

Represents an artistic, psychic, inspirational energy/characteristic.
Encourages connecting to magic-channeling the universe's creative/dream like energy.
Third Eye Chakra + Crown Chakra

Represents a spiritual, psychic, inspirational energy/characteristic.
Validates spiritual growth.
Encourages spiritual development.
Follow your curiosity - read about what you're drawn to and get in tune with your intuition.
Third Eye Chakra + Crown Chakra

Represents a psychic, spiritual, intuitive energy/characteristic.
Validates an empath/intuitive.
You are energy sensitive, which means you may be psychic, see auras, spirits, guides, astral travel, and/or pick up on other people's energy.
Third Eye Chakra + Crown Chakra

May validate a neutral energy/characteristic.
Encourages you to "see in grey" versus in
"black and white."
Don't make a choice, stay neutral.
Wait it out. Give it some time.
Aura filter

Represents a loyal, peaceful, patient energy/characteristic.
Validates peace or a peaceful outcome.
Encourages you to focus on gaining peace.
Throat Chakra

Represents a loyal, peaceful, patient energy/characteristic.
Encourages you to slow down. Blue is the color known to assist in healing anxiety and/or racing thoughts. A reminder to take things day by day.
Throat Chakra

Represents an expressive, peaceful, patient energy/characteristic.
Encourages healing and cleansing any blocks that may be preventing you from living your truth.
Throat Chakra

Represents an expressive, honest energy/characteristic.
Validates originality being a valuable characteristic.
Encourages freedom of expression.
Express your point of view through words, music, art, acting, etc.
Throat Chakra

Represents a peaceful, patient, responsible energy/characteristic.
Validates all is in divine time.
Encourages patience for yourself, others, and/or timing.
Throat Chakra

Represents an expressive, honest, responsible energy/characteristic.
Encourages you to communicate your
wants and needs.
Say what you need to say with love and without hesitation.
Throat Chakra

Represents a loving, giving, humanitarian energy/characteristic.
Symbolizes and encourages giving without expectations.
Heart Chakra

Represents a loving, humanitarian characteristic.
For you, forgive yourself and/or others.
Clear away any resentment or energy that no longer serves you.
Heart Chakra

Represents a loving, giving, humanitarian energy/characteristic.
Validates to keep going.
Your hard work is being noticed!
A favorable outcome;
financially, emotionally, spiritually, or all of the above.
Heart Chakra

Represents a loving, humanitarian energy/characteristic.
Validates a harmonious outcome. All is aligned.
symbolizes heart harmony - your heart is
Heart Chakra

Represents a loving, giving, humanitarian energy/characteristic.
Encourages you to find a common ground with others.
Shed the separation. Also encourages you to feel worthy of great opportunities and/or success.
Heart Chakra

Represents a loving, humanitarian characteristic.
Accept yourself for exactly who you are.
Know yourself and love yourself.
Heart Chakra

Represents a loving, humanitarian
Validates to keep going.
Validates empathy for yourself and others.
Encourages you to open your heart.
Heart Chakra

Represents a loving, humanitarian characteristic.
You are being encouraged to take a break.
Go out in nature to recharge and/or heal.
Plants, the ocean, and mountains have amazing
healing energy.
Heart Chakra

Represents a loving, humanitarian
Validates a heart healing is needed.
Encourages healing your past and present of any emotinal pain.
Green assists in helping release
what no longer serves you.
Heart Chakra

Represents an intelligent, happy, analytical, logical energy/characteristic.
Encourages you to value your time,
energy, and worth.
Solar Plexus Chakra

Represents a happy, intelligent, analytical, logical
A joyful outcome.
Solar Plexus Chakra

Represents an intelligent, happy, analytical, logical energy/characteristic.
Encourages you to value your time,
energy, and worth.
Solar Plexus Chakra

Represents an intelligent, happy, analytical, logical energy/characteristic.
Encourages you to consider different points of view to better understand situations.
Solar Plexus Chakra

Represents an intelligent, analytical, happy, fearless
Validates things will be okay.
Encourages you to release your fears.
Solar Plexus Chakra

Represents a wise, spiritually evolved
Symbolizes abundance regarding financial, spiritual,
physical, and/or emotional well-being.
A successful outcome.
Stellar Gateway Chakra

Represents an optimistic, creative, spontaneous energy/characteristic.
Orange encourages you to
"see the glass as half full."
Try focusing on being as optimistic as you can.
Sacral Chakra

Represents an optimistic, creative, spontaneous energy/characteristic.
Validates "Yes" as an answer.
Encourages a "Yes" attitude.
Orange also encourages spontaneity.
Sacral Chakra

Represents a creative, optimistic, spontaneous energy/characteristic.
Encourages creativity be added to your life.
Whether you consider yourself to be creative or not,
allow creative energy to flow through you.
Try making some time to create for fun.
Sacral Chakra

Represents an optimistic, spontaneous
Encourages you to "Shake it off."
Tension, emotional pain, or thoughts that are not helping you evolve or feel good -
dance it off and/or find the humor.
Sacral Chakra

Represents an optimistic, progressive, spontaneous energy/characteristic.
Symbolizes a growth as the most beneficial.
Follow your curiosity.
Encourages additional education.
Continue to learn as much as you can.
Sacral Chakra

Represents a social, optimistic, creative energy/characteristic.
Encourages entrepreneurs, humanitarians, and artists to socialize and network.
Go out and socialize with friends or go out and
meet new friends.
Sacral Chakra

Represents an optimistic, spontaneous energy/characteristic.
Travel and explore for no particular reason.
You may have fun and make a discovery -
inspiration, new friendships, love, or
maybe an experience that helps you evolve emotionally and/or spiritually.
Sacral Chakra

Represents an optimistic, creative, spontaneous energy/characteristic.
Encourages and validates a passion for life.
Orange encourages spontaneity to heal,
evolve, and find yourself.
Encourages traveling, learning, dancing, stargazing, creating, and throwing off your routine to live life!
Sacral Chakra

Represents a nurturing, loving, motherly energy/characteristic.
Validates nurturing energy is being demonstrated.
Encourages a healthy self-love and allowing that
love to overflow towards others.
Heart Chakra Center

Represents a nurturing, loving, and calm
Encourages you to have compassion towards others and/or yourself.
Validates you naturally have compassion
towards others and yourself.
Heart Chakra Center

Represents a nurturing, loving, motherly energy/characteristic.
Pink helps calm and release anger.
When you get in touch with your heart,
anger is naturally released.
When anger is released, you make room
for future happiness.
Heart Chakra Center

Represents a nurturing, loving, calm energy/characteristic.
Suggests you acknowledge "walls"
that may have been put up.
Acknowledge fear regarding love - you are
being reminded you're worthy of love,
you are unique, and lovable.
Reminding you to allow self love.
Heart Chakra Center

Represents a free spirited, adventurous, charming energy/characteristic.
Suggests you have a lighthearted approach to living life without expectations.
Soul Star Chakra

Represents a free spirited, artistic, adventurous, charming energy/characteristic.
Be your charming, beautiful, sexy self!
Soul Star Chakra

Represents a free spirited, adventurous, charming energy/characteristic.
Symbolizes that you may dance to the beat of your own drum. Free spirit reminds you to keep it authentic and to follow your natural
instincts. May encourage a free spirit attitude and approach to life.
Soul Star Chakra

Represents a free spirited, artistic, adventurous, charming energy/characteristic.
Validation - Go for it!
You will not be disappointed.
Adventure is encouraged and welcomed.
Soul Star Chakra

Represents a free spirited, artistic, adventurous, energy/characteristic.
Supports shedding and letting go of control.
If it is not inspiring you, comforting you, or supporting you, let it go.
Fuchsia encourages you to live lightly, release the tension with yourself, and move forward.
Soul Star Chakra

Represents a driven, ambitious, life of the party energy/characteristic.
Validates boundaries were established.
Establish boundaries without guilt, regret, or hesitation.
There is a fine line between giving too much and giving just enough.
Root Chakra

Represents a driven, ambitious, life of the party energy/characteristic.
Encourages you to start working towards accomplishing your goals.
No more excuses.
Root Chakra

Represents a driven, ambitious, life of the party energy/characteristic.
Validates confidence in yourself.
Believe in yourself.
You are being encouraged to feel good about yourself.
Root Chakra

Represents a driven, ambitious, life of the party energy/characteristic.
Encourages you to thrive.
Use red for an energy boost.
Root Chakra

Represents a driven, ambitious, life of the party, energy/characteristic.
Validates being timely.
Move it, now!
Do not hesitate, get it going now!
Root Chakra

Represents a driven, ambitious, independent energy/characteristic.
Validates selfish time will be beneficial.
It is okay to take some time for yourself.
Thigh Chakra

Represents a strong, warrior
Reassures you are stronger than you think!
Burgundy is an incredibly strong color.
Burgundy is ready to dominate.
You are being encouraged to toughen up and push through.
Thigh Chakra

Represents a grounding
Encourages you to set goals.
Create financial security for yourself and/or family.
Validates it's time to feel safe and secure.
Earth Star Chakra

Represents a grounding energy/characteristic.
Encourages you to ground your energy.
Grounding assists in understanding your unique
soul purpose on earth.
Earth Star Chakra

Represents a grounding energy/characteristic.
Encourages you to stick with what
you have and know and evolve.
Earth Star Chakra
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