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The first fairy I met was my own fairy spirit guide. During this time in my life, I channeled the spirits of deceased souls in dreams, but I had never channeled while awake before. The time had come for me to develop this ability.

Let me start from the very beginning. 

Since I was a child, I have been fascinated by fairies. I was fortunate to grow up in a small town surrounded by lots of nature. There were a lot of herbs, vegetables, and flowers in the gardens of my childhood home and my grandparents' home.

I spent a lot of time in these gardens. I felt like I was in heaven.

I used to talk to flowers and trees when I played. As I ate berries, I would thank them for aligning me with their magical powers. In order to become magical, like the fairies, I would encourage my friends and cousins to consume the wild berries as well. I was so open to the fairy realms. It wasn't necessary for me to see them to know they were there. Like how we can't see the air we breathe, but instinctively know what to do with it to survive. That's how I connected with the fairies and their wisdom to enhance my well-being.

When I was a teenager, I stopped visiting my fairy friends. I still had fairy charms and pictures of them on my walls. In my adult years, I surrounded my children with fairy tales and books to maintain a connection with the fairies. As I look back, I realize I have always been deeply connected to the fairy realm, so when I saw my first fairy, you would think I would accept it without question.

That's not how it went. I realize how far I had strayed from what I knew in my heart.

Into the fairy realm.

I was guided back to the fairy realm by one of my first mentors, an Akashic Oracle named Valerie.

I was guided into a deep meditation by her.

I was encouraged to visualize myself in a safe place. I saw myself in a beautiful green forest.  I was guided by Valerie to welcome any helpful Spirit guides to come forward.

As I looked forward, I noticed a small silhouette of a woman.

She wore a magenta colored dress. She was wearing a very large upside-down tulip as a hat, so I couldn't see her eyes. Her eyes and nose were covered by it.

It appeared that she was floating or flying. I felt safe in her presence.     

I felt her energy as if it were a part of me.

I described my visuals to Valerie.

She was so excited that she shouted, “Oh my gosh, a fairy!” 

I asked, “So Fairies are real?" Valerie laughed and said, “Of course they are.” 

In my heart, I knew they existed.

Sharing space with someone who knew the same thing was nice and so needed.

Hearing her say it out loud validated something within my belief system.

My attention was drawn back to the Tulip Fairy.

I asked the Tulip Fairy, “ How do I share all that I am? ”

“Through color.” she said.

Instantly, all of my being was covered in the most vibrant colors I have ever seen.

It felt as if my body was absorbing the colors.

I felt like I had just downloaded ethereal color codes.

Instinctively, I took deep breaths.

With every inhalation, I knew the colors would intensify.

I saw a colorful path ahead of me.

Everything was so clear to me. There was no doubt about what I was to do, how I was going to do it, or why I was going to do it.

In my vision, I saw myself in nature with fairies.

I was being taught about color by the fairies. Colors can create pathways towards physical, mental, and emotional wants and needs by acting as energetic portals.

As I absorbed the flower language, I realized how flowers can create paths towards physical, mental, and emotional needs and wants.

Colors and flowers were both associated with fairies and were used to recharge the spirit.

Color breathing would become a daily ritual for me.

During my vision, I saw myself breathing color and creating Color Therapy Oracle.

Color was used to initiate conversations between spirits in other realms.

My way of communicating with energy would be to see colors around people, places, and animals.

The fairies would continue to connect with me personally and during sessions.

After the meditation, I felt inspired and clear.

It all made sense to me.

I was able to tap into the magic of what I came here to experience and share through receiving clarity from a real fantasy.

There was a sense of renewal in my soul.

With the fairies, my role would be to inspire souls to believe in magic and reconnect with the natural world. 

That's exactly what happened.

Iris Aura was designed.

I'm forever grateful for my magical friends.



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